Mivbvunzo kubva muvhuro kunobata kana chishanu.

Pote Mugovera chero naiyo yakadai svondo.

Kutaura ndega ndenge munhu asina dzakakwana shano.

Handina zororo mufunge mumomoyo ingori hondo.

Mubvunzo mumwechete, sei zvichidai ishevangu

Nhamo kutevera vasina mari, ana mushaya neshangu.

Zvirwere zvongoteveravo ivo vasina mari, ana mushaya changu

Chiona Mari kutevera vasingadi mwari, ana zvese zviri zvangu.

Mubvunzo mumwechete, sei zvichidai ishe wangu.

Kwanzi kwadzinorohwa matumbu ndiko dzinomhanyira

Mitengo vanongo kwidza havanei misodzi tapunyaira

Zuva nezuva matumbu votowedzera hona vofamba hukanyaira

Kuda iri nhamo taiti takajaira, zvino ngwavaira ndiyo yatishanyira

Mubvunzo mumwe chete, sei zvichidai ishevangu.

Uti ukwire pamusoro pegomo ushevedzere, izwi rotorwa nemhepo.

Umire hombe kombe yegungwa hunzi makarwe pfuurai nepo.

Ziva kuyangarara mudikani, zvepasi pemvura hauzive nezvepo.

usafungisise zvauriwe, iri ringoriwo zvaro rimwe rema detembo.

Mubvunzo mumwe chete, sei zvichidai ishevangu.

Neho Wekare



​So this mornig i woke up to a whole new data tariff from my network provider. If i could say anything, this new tariff is outrageous and shocking. Yesterday, $0.5c bought 50Mb and today same amount buys 5Mb. Wow, if i want to buy a measly 50Mb i now need a whooping $5…and to an internet troller like me, 50Mb is actually nothing..won’t even last me a day.

So data prices have gone up by 1000%, i cannot even begin to comprehend what kind of an economic principle this is. How is this okay?

Actually if we were to apply the same raise factor in every product in my daily life, let’s see how my new life would look like.

*Rentals- ($200) ×10=$2000

*taxi – ($0.5) ×10=$5

*lunch_ ($2) × 10=$20

Sugar 2kg_($2) ×10=$20

Mealie meal 10kg_ ($6)×10=$60

Cooking oil 2l _($3)×10=$30
I mean i could go on and on, but you kinda get the idea right. I would need a salary of not less than $15000 to at least sustain a basic lifestyle. Why do we have to think this move by network companies is right? This is a slippery slop people, the next thing you know every business and service provider is following suit because they see others getting away with it.



A compilation of true facts about me, handle it with utmost care cause if you break, you’ll pay.

At lake kyle aka mtrikwi dam

1. I am an introvert
2. My fav tv character is Walter White.

3. I suffer from social anxiety.

4. I once slept with my eyes open (true story).

5. I believe i can personality-profile a person from just their demeanor. 

6. I do two weeks of absolute veganism every year.

7. Snakes creep me to death.

8. I am 100% left handed but i write with my right hand (So i should say 95% perhaps).

9. Two people i would love to meet, Elon Musk and M Carbonaro

10. I signed up to be someone’s sperm donor.


I don’t normally like to write too much about myself, am jus not into it…Ohh God knows how he wired me! Well but this time around i’ll try and.., why try you ask? Yeah because this past weekend was just something, a unique story that deserves to be in ink. (Spoiler alert! Therz gonna be lots of flaunting in pictures of soul-crushingly delicious food, so much advices not to read this on an empty stomach for i shall not accept responsibility for any grumbling stomachs.. hahaha)

So yes, friday the 11th(..not related in any way to friday the 13th) was my twentys somethings birthday and in the same week guess what, i had just serendipitously met a new friend who raised my friends circle to 1(haha..don’t ask me about it, story for another day.) We had arrange to meet for a birthday night-out after work, but tjo rains had something else in mind. We had to settle for some indoor occasion if we were to do something at all, so we settled for a dinner-date at Pauli’s. Wait, rewind…did i tell you how nervous i was about meeting her for the first time?..I tried hard not to show it, but heart was in palpitations.. cardiac arrhythmia! But luckily girl was welcoming, accommodative and in that all “Dude, relax i know you are nervous okay..” mood. Her dressing was a little “i don’t tolarate nonsense” style, she had a more like baggy-fit, longish blue shirt which i kept peeking on to try and check the hidden curves..or edges i don’t know! Anyhoo, It wasn’t too hard, and didn’t take long to get into groove, conversations started to flip more spontaneously between topics. We drove off into the darkness as night took its toll on civilization, and i was staring at how she handles the wheel..Damn! girl does the one-handed dudes’ typa thing… and i love that typa woman.

Fast forward>> We picked a table, and the place looks nice, quiet and a dim lamp is burning by our side. Dinner cames and it was time for self-indulgance. Boy Ohh boy! My taste buds were on fire, am sure they had many questions to ask but too bad this ain’t a story they are starring in so…Anyhoo, So am like a hot chic by my side, nice tasting gourmet under candlelight, stimulating conversations…what else can a man ask for? If there is a heaven i sure as hell would want it to be just that moment and never end.

The dinner

We finished eating, payed bill..and tipped the industrious waiter kindly, whiled a little, and we took off home (seperate homes perv what were you thinking!

Eating is not a friday thing only you must know. On Sunday we choose to go out for breakfast at a restaurant recommended by friend at Semi Levy. Well this restaurant isn’t what you would have hots for prima facie, but what buffled me was the proportion of whites that throng it. At one point i checked and me and bae were the only black couple in there!..well i don’t know explanations to that. I took a cappuccino and she took a latte whilst we waited for our orders. I had half-done egg…she had scrambled egg, i had had toast…she had croissant, i had bacon..she had…i mean girl stop being like we from different planets. Yoh!

Farmhouse breakfast

Well we pay we tip and we leave. We go down shops checking different stuff, we stop by a shoe shop, girl gets captured by a pink pair…i recommend and we continue down aisle.

The pink pair

We take a few selfies and photos of each other, Lord! it’s a good thing in a while. We continue to the open market section where your eyes can’t stay on one thing for more than a fraction of a second. The variety of nice fabric just makes you bleed in your heart to have it all. Now here comes a part i tought of skipping because it is of somewhat a PG in nature…or R18 who knows..hahaha. Well girl spots a nice looking white pair of shorts, something tht will beat the record in being the cuttest and the shortest of her wardrobe collection. She like it, i like it too, She tries it, it fits snugly..pays for it and we leave. So we round off our day out and drive back to the apartment for another afternoon of pure chilling, music, file sharing, good dinner and just being the two of us!

 P.S (Well fellas, am not gonna divulge details about featured girl yet, for reasons i can’t tell you yet haha..leave it to only me and her! Ciao)


by RomeoVictor



So @Gripping Black encouraged me to write poems even when i am not bored and alone…Lol. So here we go!

 (btw, this poem is based on a true story.)

Guy in awe.

He was just an ordinary guy sitting alone on a of a certain colour bench.
Out of the blue, appears a beautiful girl whom his retinal thirst would quench.

“Bonjour, madam” he hyperventilates, “sorry for assuming you are  french”

Small smile from her, ohh dear, perspirations! His whole body in own sweat would drench.

Ohh boy, she glowed with a beauty that transcended everything ever known to man.


In this girl he knew would be the greatest joy or sorrow of his life.
Fairy tales are only  child’s play, but this was one really manifesting in front of his eyes.

All he wished for was a chance to show her; love at first sight is a real thing worth a cry.

By Romeo Victor

©SapientGenus 2017